Welcome to UP&UP Project
UP&UP upscaling trainers and educators’ competencies on gender based violence to UPscaling awareness among young people against violence
Newsletter n°8
NEWSLETTER – April 2021
About March & the fight for a better world for girls and women
Gender equality is a fundamental human right, necessary to build a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. Yet it remains unachieved across societies. March is a celebration of women’s contributions to history, culture and society and an occasion to celebrate the progress made towards achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment but also to critically reflect on those accomplishments and strive for a greater momentum towards gender equality worldwide.
International Women’s Day was celebrated for the first time in 1909 in the United States, held by the country’s Socialist Party, and was formalised at the international level in 1911. Yet, after over a hundred years, women all around the world still face numerous challenges and fight against a patriarchal and sexist system. The celebration was recognised by the United Nations in 1977 and aims to condemn all forms of inequality, sexism and violence against women. Marked annually on March 8th, International Women’s Day (IWD) is one of the most important days of the year to celebrate women’s achievements, to raise awareness about women’s equality, to lobby for accelerated gender equity.
About the progress of the UP&UP project
We believe this project is part of the fight for a fairer world for girls and women and we are glad that beyond the obstacles imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic we were able to continue working.
Our main goal these months is the development od the obstacles imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic we were able to continue working.
Our main goal these months is the development of IO2: a training package for educators, teachers, trainers and tutors who are in daily contact with young people. This toolkit will help educators to recognize, prevent and address gender-based violence in learning contexts. The toolkit consists of learning units and tests aimed at verifying the acquisition of these units. The Union of Women Associations of Heraklion (UWAH, Greece) with the support of INCOMA (Spain) are leading this activity and we are confident that their experience, together with the support of the all the other partners in the project, will make an extremely useful package in combating GBV. At the moment we are working on the content that will be used in the videos. The training package for educators, teachers, trainers and tutors who are in daily contact with young people is expected to be ready by the end of October 2021. Meanwhile we invite you to visit our website: https://www.upanduperasmus.eu/ where you will find valuable information about our project and activities, calendar of events, news and more!
European Partners
People reached
Get In Touch
Telephone: +39 06 3751 8282
Email: info@upanduperasmus.eu