Welcome to UP&UP Project
UP&UP upscaling trainers and educators’ competencies on gender based violence to UPscaling awareness among young people against violence
Newsletter n°7
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 pandemic, partners could not meet again in person. Thus, other two meetings have been celebrated online. The last one was held on February the 12th, the aim of this meeting was to understand how to proceed with the activities of the project, because despite the
difficulties encountered this year, we have achieved all the planned objectives in IO1. At the moment, all partners are working in the development of IO2.
201 8 – 1 – E S 01 – KA 202 – 050230
By the end of 2020 all project partners have successfully finished the implementation of IO1 by gathering the data requested and the implementation of the training in local VET schools. It is remarkable the good results obtained so far, despite the COVID-19 pandemic. The difficulties arose in all partner countries made the development of IO1 activities a real challenge, however we are more than satisfied with the work done.
Currently, partners are working in IO2 activities. In this occasion, the Greek partners, with the support of the Spanish partner, are leading this IO. This second product aims to develop a training package for educators, teachers, trainers and tutors who are in daily contact with young people. It is a toolkit for educators to recognize, prevent and address gender-based violence in learning contexts. The toolkit consists of learning units and tests aimed at verifying the acquisition of these units.
201 8 – 1 – E S 01 – KA 202 – 050230
European Partners
People reached
Get In Touch
Telephone: +39 06 3751 8282
Email: info@upanduperasmus.eu