Welcome to UP&UP Project
UP&UP upscaling trainers and educators’ competencies on gender based violence to UPscaling awareness among young people against violence
Claudia Villante
Senior Research at ISTAT and Telefono Rosa from 2018 and experienced public policy analyst. PHD in Social Systems and public policy analysis. She’s currently involved on Gender based Violence data warehouse, create by ISTAT and Department of Equal Opportunity of Italian Presidency of Cabinet and administrative justice’s statistics. She’s a member of Eurostat Task Force on GBV for developing a common methodology to implement a European Gender Based Violence Survey.
Former policy officer at Ministry of Labour and Social Policy responsible of programming, monitoring and evaluate national projects regarding disadvantaged people. She’s has participated, as government representative, on impact evaluation of interventions financed by European Union and has been member of MEANS group at EU Level to elaborate an impact evaluation model aimed to harmonize the evaluations study among European State Members, carried out to measure the outputs, outcomes and impact of the Structural Funds in a gender mainstreaming approach. Lecturer to University of Rome she’s author of many articles and sage focus on impact evaluation methodology.
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Location: Viale Giuseppe Mazzini, 73, 00195 Roma RM
Telephone: +39 06 3751 8282
Email: info@upanduperasmus.eu