Welcome to UP&UP Project

UP&UP upscaling trainers and educators’ competencies on gender based violence to UPscaling awareness among young people against violence

The Projectnews

Project Summary

UP&UP -UPscaling trainers’ and teacher’s competencies on gender stereotype to UPscaling the awareness among young people and fight the gender based violence is a project that would be define a new methodology and a training package available online aims to increase skill’s educators, teachers, tutors, trainers and citizenship skills of young (especially those living in outskirts and internal areas) on a specific topic concerning respect for diversity, with particular reference to gender differences.

The project departs from the assumption that only teaching of teachers and realization of a joint path with young people is possible breaking down stereotypes. The title of the UP&UP project summarizes this innovative proposal which, starting from the experience carried out of the partners, intends to raise both competencies of educators and young people.

Thanks to an international comparison, the partners of this project will define products shared training and export in all educational contexts (schools, associations, training organizations).

See below our “Intellectual Outputs (IO)“.

IO 1 - Stereotypes analysis and good practices to break them down

This output is the result of the first phase of the partnership’s work. An analysis grid will be prepared through which each partner will carry out an analysis of the presence of stereotypes within formal learning contexts (schools, training organizations, etc.) informal and non-informal formal (places of aggregation of young people, working environments, associations, etc.) through the support of educators. A meeting with the preliminary educators will be carried out during which the path drawn by the project and the analysis grid will be illustrated. At the end of the analysis, the results will be shared and discussed and the recurring stereotypes identified both among young people and among the educators themselves.

IO 2 - Gender Based Violence training for educators

This second product is the training package for educators, teachers, trainers and tutors who are in daily contact with young people. From the point of view of the implementation of the project it is the result of the second line of activity “development of a package for educators”.
It is a toolkit for educators to recognize, prevent and address gender-based violence in learning contexts. The toolkit consists of learning units and tests aimed at verifying the acquisition of these units.

IO 3 - UP&UP Model for ALL

This OI, in addition to the networking of the training package, provides for the creation of video material that will be shot from the early stages of the project related to the learning units. This production will be carried out by a video-maker present in each partner country who will resume the planned meetings and laboratories (described in the first two IOs) to enrich the training and information material made available.

IO 4 – Evaluation tool-kit

The activity is divided into two types of activity:
1) A first phase concerns the construction of evaluation resources internal to the project, concerning the raising of technical and transversal skills that educators have raised following the training package.
2) Monitoring and evaluation with the collection of evidences, aimed at assessing changes in behaviour and attitudes towards gender stereotypes and in measuring acquired sensitivity regarding the phenomenon of gender violence and the use of hate speech. At the end of this phase we intend to make available a kit of methodologies and techniques to measure with a counterfactual assessment methodology if and to what extent the adoption of the training package within formal and non-formal learning contexts generate
changes among direct (young) and indirect recipients (stakeholders and key actors).


Curricular Events & Activities


Jun 2022

3° Multiplier Event

Evento realizzato a Roma, presso l’Aula Consiliare di Palazzo Valentini, organizzato da Telefono Rosa. Conferenza finale con presenza di figure istituzionali europee e nazionali. Previsto inoltre tavolo tecnico. Evento gratuito, ma con obbligo di registrazione.

Location: Rome


Jun 2022

6° Transnational Meeting

Si è svolto, presso Palazzo Santa Chiara (Roma) il sesto transnational meeting, dedicato a valutare l’impatto del progetto e le future strategie di diffusione.

1) Stato dell’arte di IO3, IO4;
2) Scadenze
3) Impiego futuro della piattaforma ed evoluzione del progetto dopo la fine dello stesso.

Location: Rome


Jun 2022

5° Transnational Meeting

Si è svolto online il quinto transnational meeting, avente a oggetto la definizione dell’IO3, i suoi contenuti e la deadline per la pubblicazione online.


1)IO2 – Check of the contents and traslations
2)IO3 – state of art and deadline
3) IO4 – e-learner access, final report for each partner and overall evaluation of the project results.
4) TM e ME – Activities on going and draft agenda

Location: Online


May 2022

2° Multiplier Event

Evento realizzato a Siviglia, organizzato da INCOMA. Avente ad oggetto la diffusione dei prodotti e delle attività svolte nell’IO1. Evento gratuito, ma con obbligo di registrazione.

Location: Seville


Jan 2022

4th Transnational Meeting

Si è svolto online il quarto transnational meeting, avente a oggetto il contenuto dei video da realizzare nell’ambito delle unità da 1 a 4.

1) IO1 – Comments and remarks of the assessment of the products
2) IO2 – State of art of the Units 1-4
3) IO4 – Testing of the training package and exploitation of the outputs
4) Administrative issues

Location: Online


Feb 2021

3rd Transnational Meeting

It was held online, hosted by Centru Filia, the third transnational meeting dedicated to the setting up of the activities foreseen by the Intellectual Output 2 of the project.

Location: Online


Dec 2020

2nd Transnational Meeting

It was held online, hosted by INCOMA, the second transnational meeting dedicated to the results obtained from the activities provided by the Intellectual Output 1.

Location: Online


Nov 2019

1st multiplier event of UP&UP project

This event is free but registration is required and space limited to the first 50 people who sign up.

Location: Brussels



Nov 2019

1st Partnership’s Transnational meeting

The partners met in Brussels, hosted by SCOM, to start the activity foreseen by the Intellectual Output 1 of the project.
Location: Brussels



Our News & Announcements

Stay updated on our project.

Newsletter n°3

La fase operativa dell’attività inizia con gli incontri nelle scuole. Vi raccontiamo in questa newsletter come sono andati gli incontri organizzati dall’Associazione Nazionale Telefono Rosa. Nelle prossime newsletter vi daremo conto delle attività condotte dagli altri partners.

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Newsletter n°2

Mentre si perfezionano i questionari per la rilevazione degli stereotipi da somministrare ai ragazzi, agli educatori e ai genitori e si programmano le modalità con cui condurre gli incontri formativi presso le scuole e i centri di educazione, il team working ha calendarizzato le date del prossimo trasnational meeting e del II multiplier event.

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Newsletter n°1

 UP&UP è un progetto innovativo che mira a combattere gli stereotipi di genere. E’ cofinanziato dall’Unione Europea con il Programma Erasmus Plus che mira a finanziare progetti rivolti agli studenti con l’obiettivo di sviluppare il loro capitale umano e sociale, in un’ottica di cooperazione e in partnership con organizzazioni non governative appartenenti a diversi Paesi europei.

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UP&UP Project – Primo Evento – 14 Novembre 2019

 UP&UP è un progetto innovativo che mira a combattere gli stereotipi di genere. E’ cofinanziato dall’Unione Europea con il Programma Erasmus Plus che mira a finanziare progetti rivolti agli studenti con l’obiettivo di sviluppare il loro capitale umano e sociale, in un’ottica di cooperazione e in partnership con organizzazioni non governative appartenenti a diversi Paesi europei.

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UP&UP – First Multiplier Event on Bruxelles!

Welcome to UP&UP Project UP&UP upscaling trainers and educators’ competencies on gender based violence to UPscaling awareness among young people against violence The UP&UP project departs from the assumption that only teaching of teachers and realization...

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up&UP partners

Project Partnership

Enter the section of each partner and find out how our project is proceeding.

Telefono Rosa - Italy

The three participating Italian associations are: Associazione Nazionale Volontarie del Telefono Rosa, Associazione Volontarie del Telefono Rosa Torino and Associazione Volontarie del Telefono Rosa Bronte.
Enter and learn more about our project.


INCOMA is a training and Research agency based in Seville (Spain) with a large experience in the development and coordination of International projects mainly funded within the framework of EU programmes, especially in the fields of education, training and research.


The Union of Women Associations of Heraklion Prefecture (UWAH) is an NGO, established in 2001, operating in Heraklion, Crete, Greece. UWAH is active at the promotion and protection of women’s and children rights and the promotion of gender equality in Heraklion municipality, Crete region and beyond.


FILIA Center is a feminist NGO which makes women’s voices be heard through community work and advocacy, activism and research. We want a society in which women’s rights and needs are respected. We promote social and civic dialogue on gender equality.


At first our company was narrowly specialized in market research (collection and interpretation of Import and Export market data; building marketing strategies) and development and implementation of quality management systems under various internationally recognised standards, such as ISO 9001, ISO 22000, ISO 18001.


S-com is an international non-profit association based in Brussels. Since 2005, it works to bring Europe closer to its citizens by proposing different projects in line with European policies. Over the years, she has been a partner in the communication of various innovation projects on sustainable development, social inclusion and cultural diversity

Telefono Rosa Bronte

This association was formed in 2011 and is included in the L.R. since March 2012.
The Telefono Rosa di Bronte Association is part of the mapping of the associations that respond to the public utility number, 1522, set up by the Equal Opportunities Department. The volunteers of the association are involved in telephone listening activities and legal and psychological advice for users who call the Center. In addition to aid activities for victims of violence, the Telefono Rosa di Bronte promotes prevention initiatives through communication campaigns, in agreement with the educational and awareness-raising bodies of the territory.



telefono rosa torino

Telefono Rosa Piemonte is dedicated to listening, welcoming and supporting women who are victims of physical, psychological, economical and/or sexual abuse, stalking and guidance for minors following their mums and whom are victims of suffered or assisted violence. The association offers listening moments via telephone and in the headquarter, psychological and legal counselling, social and research desk, orientation and support in finding a job, groups of support.


European Partners


People reached